

I am an Associate Professor at DTU Management, Technical University of Denmark. My main research interests are the mathematical modeling and simulation of human mobility, smart mobility services and the modeling, development and assessment of new technologies in transportation systems.

I am also a Research Affiliate at the ITSLab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Before joining DTU, I was a Research Scientist at the ITSLab and the Executive Director of the Transportation Education Committee at MIT. My early career started as a research scholar at LNEC (Portugal) and then as a Senior PostDoctoral Associate at SMART (Singapore).


PhD in Transportation Systems

Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, MIT-Portugal

  • visiting Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2009 -2010)
  • with João Cardoso (LNEC), Moshe Ben-Akiva (MIT) & Filipe Moura (IST)

MSc in Transportation Engineering

Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon


Licentiate in Structural Engineering

Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon

  • 5yrs (MSc equivalent)
  • visiting École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, France (Spring 2004)
2018 — Present

Associate Professor

Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

2018 — Present

Research Affiliate

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

2016 — 2018

Research Scientist

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

2016 — 2017

Transportation Education Committee (TEC) Executive Director

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

2015 — 2016

Senior Postdoctoral Associate

Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART)

2014 — 2015

Postdoctoral Associate

Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART)

2008 — 2013

PhD Scholar

National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC)

2005 — 2008

Research Scholar

National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC)

2004 — 2005

Structural Engineer

Quadrante S.A, Portugal

Books, Chapters & Thesis

3. [2014] “Network model calibration studies”
In Traffic Simulation and Data: Validation Methods and Applications (2014). Chapter authors: Lima Azevedo, C., Barcelo, J., Flötteröd, G., Ciuffo, B., Kolechkina, T., Toledo, T. and Wagner, P.. Editor(s): Winnie Daamen, Christine Buisson, Serge P. Hoogendoorn. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.

2. [2014] PhD Thesis — “Probabilistic Safety Analysis using Traffic Microscopic Simulation”
Supervisors: Dr. João Cardoso (National Laboratory of Civil Engineering, Portugal), Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) and Prof. Filipe Moura (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal)

1. [2008] MSc Thesis — “Estimation of Annual Traffic Volumes: A model for Portugal (in Portuguese)
Supervisors: Dr. João Cardoso (National Laboratory of Civil Engineering, Portugal) and Prof. José M. Viegas (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal)


Journal Publications

16. [2019] “A novel global urban typology framework for sustainable mobility futures”
Oke, O., Aboutaleb, Y. M., Akkinepally, A. P., Lima Azevedo, C., Han, Y., Zegras, P. C., Ferreira, J., Ben-Akiva, M. Environmental Research Letters [pre-print]

15. [2019] “Behavioral modeling of on-demand mobility services: general framework and application to sustainable travel incentives”
Xie, Y., Danaf, M., Atasoy, B., Jeong, K., Seshadri, R., Lima Azevedo, C., Ben-Akiva, M. Transportation, pp. 1-23.[post-print]

14. [2019] “Demand Calibration of Multimodal Microscopic Traffic Simulation using Weighted Discrete SPSA”
Oh, S., Seshadri, R., Lima Azevedo, C., Ben-Akiva, M. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board [pre-print]

13. [2019] “Context-aware stated preferences with smartphone-based travel surveys”
Danaf, M., Atasoy, B., Lima Azevedo, C., Ding-Mastera, J., Abou-Zeid, M., Cox, N., Zhao, F., Ben-Akiva, M. Journal of Choice Modelling, Volume 31, pp. 35-50. [post-print]

12. [2018] “Modelling Framework and Implementation of Activity- and Agent-Based Simulation: An Application to the Greater Boston Area”
Viegas de Lima, I. H., Danaf, M., Prakash, A., Lima Azevedo, C., Ben-Akiva, M. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. [post-print]

11. [2018] “Automated Mobility-on-Demand vs. Mass Transit: A Multi-Modal Activity-Driven Agent-Based Simulation Approach”
Basu, R., Araldo, A., Prakash, A., Basak, K., Seshadri, R., Nahmias, B., Deshmunkh, N., Kumar, N., Lima Azevedo, C., Ben-Akiva, C. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. [pre-print]

10. [2017] “Portuguese Mainland Road Network Safety Performance Indicator”
Vieira Gomes, S., Lima Azevedo, C., Cardoso, J. Case Studies on Transport Policy. Volume 6(3), pp. 416-422. [pre-print]

9. [2017] “SimMobility Short-term: An Integrated Microscopic Mobility Simulator”
Lima Azevedo, C., Oh S., Deshmukh N., Marimuthu B., Marczuk K., Soh H., Basak K., Toledo T., Peh L. S., Ben-Akiva M. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2622. [pre-print]

8. [2016] “Safety analysis of passing maneuvers using extreme value theory”
Farah, H., Lima Azevedo, C. IATSS Research, 41(1), pp. 12-21. [post-print]

7. [2016] “Microsimulation of Demand and Supply of Autonomous Mobility On-Demand”
Lima Azevedo, C., Marczuk, K., Raveau, S., Soh, H., Adnan, M., Basak, K., Loganathan, H., Deshmunkh, N., Lee, D. H., Frazzoli, E., Ben-Akiva, M. E. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2564., pp. 21-30.[pre-print]

6. [2015] “W–SPSA in practice: Approximation of weight matrices and calibration of traffic simulation models”
Antoniou, C., Lima Azevedo, C., Lu, L., Pereira, F., Ben-Akiva, M. E. Transportation Research Part C, Volume 59, Pages 129–146.[pre-print]

5. [2015] “Dealing with uncertainty in detailed calibration of traffic simulation models for safety assessment”
Lima Azevedo, C., Ciuffo, B., Cardoso, J., Ben-Akiva, M. E. Transportation Research Part C, Volume 58, Part B, Pages 395–412.[pre-print]

4. [2014] “A sensitivity-analysis-based approach for the calibration of traffic simulation models”
Ciuffo, B. and Lima Azevedo, C. (2014), IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions, Volume 15, Issue 3, pp. 1298 – 1309.

3. [2014] “Vehicle tracking using the k-shortest paths algorithm and dual graphs”
Lima Azevedo, C., Cardoso, J., Ben-Akiva, M. E. (2014) Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, pp 3-11.

2. [2013] “Road safety performance indicators for the interurban road network.”
Yannis, G., Weijermars, W., Gitelman, V., Vis, M., Chaziris, A., Papadimitriou, E., Lima Azevedo, C. , Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 60, November 2013, Pages 384–395.

1. [2013] “Automatic vehicle trajectory extraction by aerial remote sensing”
Lima Azevedo, C., Cardoso, J., Ben-Akiva, M. E., Costeira, J.P., Marques, M. (2013), Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 111, pp 849-858.

Peer Reviewed Conferences

41. [2019] “Towards Robust Deep Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Control: Demand Surges, Incidents and Sensor Failures”
Rodrigues, F., Lima Azevedo, C. IEEE 22nd Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC 2019, Auckland, New Zealand, 27-30 October 2019.[pre-print]

40. [2019] “Incorporating the mobility as a service concept into transport modelling and simulation frameworks”
Kamargianni, M., Yfantis, L., Muscat, J., Lima Azevedo, C., Ben-Akiva, M. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2019), Washington D.C., US, January 2019.[pre-print]

39. [2019] “Understanding Preferences for Automated Mobility on Demand Using a Smartphone-Based Stated Preference Survey: A Case Study of Singapore”
Seshadri, R., Kumarga, L., Atasoy, B., Danaf, M., Xie, Y., Lima Azevedo, C., Zhao, F., Zegras, C., Ben-Akiva, M. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2019), Washington D.C., US, January 2019.[pre-print]

38. [2019] “From traditional to automated mobility on demand: a comprehensive framework for modeling mobility on demand services in SimMobility”
Nahmias-Biran, B.H, Oke, J., Lima Azevedo, C., Kumar, N., Araldo, A., Basak, K., Seshadri, R., Ben-Akiva, M. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2019), Washington D.C., US, January 2019.[pre-print]

37. [2019] “System-level optimization of multi-modal transportation networks for energy efficiency using personalized incentives: formulation, implementation and performance”
Araldo, A., Gao, S., Seshadri, R., Lima Azevedo, C., Ghafourian, H., Sui, Y., Ayaz, S., Sukhin, D., Ben-Akiva, M. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2019), Washington D.C., US, January 2019.[pre-print]

36. [2019] “Accessibility and energy consumption evaluation under different strategies of mobility on-demand deployment” Gross, E., Oke, J., Prakash, A. A.; Nahmias-Biran, B.H., Lima Azevedo, C., Zegras, C., Ferreira, J., Ben-Akiva, M. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2019), Washington D.C., US, January 2019.[pre-print]

35. [2019] “Behavioral modeling of on-demand mobility services: general framework and application to sustainable travel incentives”
Xie, Y., Danaf, M., Atasoy, B., Jeong, K., Seshadri, R., Lima Azevedo, C., Ben-Akiva, M. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2019), Washington D.C., US, January 2019.[pre-print]

34. [2019] “Calibrating activity-based travel demand model-systems via microsimulation”
Chen, S., Prakash, A., Lima Azevedo, C., Ben-Akiva, M. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2019), Washington D.C., US, January 2019.[pre-print]

33. [2018] “Integrated simulation of activity-based demand and multi-modal dynamic supply for energy assessment”
Fournier, N., Chen, S., Viegas de Lima, I. H., Needell, Z., Deliali, A., Araldo, A., Prakash, A. A., Lima de Azevedo, C., Christofa, E., Trancik, J., Ben-Akiva, M. ​The 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE-ITSC), ​November 4-7,Maui, Hawaii, USA.

32. [2018] “Road safety in an uncertain technological future”
Martins, A., Moura, F.,Lima de Azevedo, C.. 31st International Co-operation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety (ICTCT), ​October 25-26, Porto, Portugal.

31. [2018] “Modeling travel behavior with on-demand systems: the case of real-time sustainable travel incentives”
Xie, Y., Danaf, M., Lima de Azevedo, C., Prakash, A. A., Atasoy, B., Jeong, K., Seshadri, R., Ben-Akiva, M. 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, hEART 2018, Athens, Greeec, September 5-7, 2018 [extended abstract].

30. [2018] “Context-aware stated preferences surveys for smart mobility”
Danaf, M., Atasoy, B., Lima de Azevedo, C., Ding-Mastera, J., Abou-Zeid, M., Cox., N., Zhao, F., Ben-Akiva, M. 15th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Santa Barbara, California, US, July 15-22, 2018 [extended abstract].

29. [2018] “Discovering robust urban mobility futures via agent based simulation in prototype cities”
Oke, J., Gross, E., Lima Azevedo, C., Zegras, C., Ferreira, J., Ben-Akiva, M. 7th Conference on Innovations in Travel Modeling, Transportation Research Board. Atlanta, Georgia, US, June 24-27, 2018 [presentation].

28. [2018] “Implementation and Policy Applications of AMoD in multi-modal activity-driven agent-based urban simulator SimMobility”
Basu, R., Araldo, A., Prakash, A., Basak, K., Seshadri, R., Nahmias, B., Deshmunkh, N., Kumar, N., Lima Azevedo, C., Ben-Akiva, C. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2018), Washington D.C., US, January 2018.[poster]

27. [2018] “An integration of population synthesis methods for agent-based microsimulation”
Fournier, N., Christofa, E., Prakash, A., Lima Azevedo, C. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2018), Washington D.C., US, January 2018 [extended abstract].

26. [2018] “Global urban typology discovery with confirmatory latent class choice model”
Oke, J., Han, Y., Lima Azevedo, C., Zegras, C., Ferreira, J., Ben-Akiva, M. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2018), Washington D.C., US, January 2018, [extended abstract].

25. [2018] “Tripod: Sustainable Travel Incentives with Prediction, Optimization and Personalization”
Lima Azevedo, C., Seshadri, C., Gao, S., Atasoy, B., Prakash, A., Christofa, E., Zhao, F., Trancik, J., Ben-Akiva, M. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2018), Washington D.C., US, January 2018.

24. [2017] “Simulation of Demand and Supply of Urban Rail in a Multimodal Environment”
Koh, K., Lima Azevedo, C., Basak, K., Ben-Akiva, M. IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE-ITSC), Yokohama, Japan, October 16-19, 2017.

23. [2017] “Discovering Urban Typologies for future mobility scenarios in prototype cities”
Oke, J., Han, Y., Lima Azevedo, C., Zegras, C. P., Ben-Akiva, M. INFORMS 2017 Annual Conference in Houston, Texas, USA, October 22-25, 2017.

22. [2017] “The use of Extreme Value theory to predict different types of accidents during passing maneuvers”
Cavadas J., Lima Azevedo, C. , Farah, H. 2017 Road Safety & Simulation Conference, Deft, The Netherlands, October 17-19, 2017.

21. [2017] “A Modeling and Simulation Framework for Taxi Driver Behavior and Centralized Taxi Operations”
Nahmias-Biran, B.H., Kumar, N., Prakash, A., Seshadri, R., Lima Azevedo, C., Ben-Akiva, M. 6th hEART Conference, Haifa, Israel, September 12-14, 2017.

20. [2017] “SimMobility Short-term: An Integrated Microscopic Mobility Simulator”
Lima Azevedo, C., Oh S., Deshmukh N., Marimuthu B., Marczuk K., Soh H., Basak K., Toledo T., Peh L. S., Ben-Akiva M. 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2017), Washington D.C., US, January 2017.

19. [2017] “Evaluating Disruption Management Strategies in Rail Transit using SimMobility Mid-term Simulator: A study of Singapore MRT North-East line”
Adnan, M., Pereira, F., Lima Azevedo, C., Basak, K., Koh, K., Loganathan, H., Huai Peng, Z., Ben-Akiva, M. (#17-06587). 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2017), Washington D.C., US, January 2017.

18. [2016] “Portuguese Mainland Road Network Safety Performance Indicator”
Vieira Gomes, S., Lima Azevedo, C., Cardoso, J. 14th World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR 2016), Shanghai, China, July 10-15, 2016.

17. [2016] “Simulation Framework for Rebalancing of Autonomous Mobility on-Demand Systems”
Marczuk, M., Soh, Lima Azevedo, C., Lee, D.H., Frazzoli, E. 5th International Conference on Transportation and Traffic Engineering (ICTTE 2016), Lucerne, Switzerland, July 6-10, 2016.[post]

16. [2016] “SimMobility: A Multi-Scale Integrated Agent-based Simulation Platform”
Adnan, M, Pereira, F. C., Lima Azevedo, C., Basak, K., Lovric, M., Raveau, S., Zhu, Y., Ferreira, J., Zegras, C., Ben-Akiva, M. E. 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2016). Washington D.C., US, January 10-14, 2016.

15. [2015] “An integrated sensing-based urban freight data collection framework: methodology and pilot projects in Singapore”
Teo, J., Marzano, V., Lima Azevedo, C., Cheah, L., Zhao, F., Santos, J., Lee, Y. & Ben-Akiva, M. Urban Freight and Behavior Change Conference (URBE 2015). Rome, Italy. October 1-2, 2015.

14. [2015] “Safety analysis of passing maneuvers using extreme value theory”
Farah, H., Lima Azevedo, C. Road Safety and Simulation International Conference (RSS 2015). Orlando, USA, 6-8 October 2015.

13. [2015] “Using extreme value theory for the prediction of head-on collisions during passing maneuvers”
Lima Azevedo, C. and Farah, H. IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2015). Las Palmas, Spain, 15-18 September 2015.[pre-print]

12. [2015] “Autonomous Mobility on Demand in SimMobility: Case Study of the Central Business District in Singapore”.
Marczuk, K. A., Soh, H., Lima Azevedo, C., Frazzoli, E. and Lee, D. H. 7th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems and 7th IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (IEEE CIS-RAM 2015). Angkor Wat, Cambodia, 15-17 July 2015.[pre-print]

11. [2015] “W–SPSA in practice: Approximation of weight matrices and calibration of traffic simulation models”.
Antoniou, C., Lima Azevedo, C., Lu, L., Pereira, F., Ben-Akiva, M. E. 21st International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT 2015). Kobe, Japan, 5-7 August 2015. Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 7, Pages 233–253.

10. [2015] “Modeling crash probability in large traffic simulators”.
Lima Azevedo, C., Cardoso, J., Ben-Akiva, M.E. 5th International Symposium on Highway Geometric Design (ISHGD 2015). June 22-24, 2015. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

9. [2015, revised 2018] “Probabilistic Safety Analysis using Traffic Microscopic Simulation”.
Lima Azevedo, C., Cardoso, J., Ben-Akiva, M.E.(2015). 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2015). Washington D.C., USA, 11-15 January 2015.
[arxiv revised version] [TRB version]

8. [2014] “Applying graph theory to automatic vehicle tracking by remote sensing”
Lima Azevedo, C., Cardoso, J., Ben-Akiva, M. 93th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2014). Washington D.C., USA, 12-18 January 2014.

7. [2013] “Modeling reaction time within a traffic simulation model”
Basak, K., Hetu, S., Li, Z., Lima Azevedo C., Loganthan, H., Toledo, T., Xu, Y., Peh, L. S.,
Ben-Akiva, M., Proceedings of the 16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE-ITSC 2013), October 2013.

6. [2013] “A multi-step approach for the global sensitivity analysis of complex traffic simulation models: Application to the MITISIM model”
Ciuffo, B. and Lima Azevedo, C.. Proceedings of the 92th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2011). Washington D.C., USA, January 2013.
2015, revised 2017
5. [2011] “The Application of IHSDM for the Safety Evaluation of Foreign Road Designs: the Case of a Portuguese Rural Highway”
Lima Azevedo, C. and Cardoso, J. L., Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2011). 11-3050. Washington D.C., USA, January 2011.[pre-print]

4. [2010] “Comparative Safety Analysis of a Two-Lane Two-Way Major Highway, Using IHSDM and the Portuguese Procedure”
Cardoso J. L., Lisboa Santos J. and Lima Azevedo C., Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Highway Geometric Design (ISHGD 2010). Valencia, Spain, 2 to 5 June 2010.

3. [2009] “Estimation of Annual Traffic Volumes: A model for Portugal”
Lima Azevedo C., Presented at the Young Researchers Seminar (YRS 2009). Turin, Italy, June 2009.

2. [2008] “Safety performance indicators for the road network”
Weijermars W., Lima Azevedo C., Gitelman V. and Papadimitriou E., Proceedings of the European Transport Conference 2008 (ETC 2008). The Netherlands, October 2008.

1. [2008] “Introducing safety on advanced traveler information systems and consequent impact on drivers’ route choices”
Yannis G., Spyropoulou I., Arsénio E., Lima Azevedo C., Golias J., Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT 2008). Greece, May 2008.


Invited Talks, Lectures & Webinars

10. [2020] “What about demand? Evaluating automated mobility-on-demand in different urban typologies via integrated demand-supply simulation” . Presentation at the Autonomous and connected transportation systems Workshop. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference. September 20, online.

9. [2020] “Urban Mobility Modelling and Simulation under Future Smart Mobility” . Invited Lecture at the University of Antwerp TPR Lectures series on “Future Transport Research”. December 19, Antwerp, Belgium.

8. [2019] “Spatial and transport modelling challenges” . Panel session at the HARMONY Project Launch Event. June 7, London, U.K.

7. [2019] “A novel global urban typology framework for sustainable mobility futures” . Presentation at the DTU Transport Summit 2019. June 4, Lyngby, Denmark.

6. [2017] “Tripod: Sustainable Travel Incentives with Prediction, Optimization and Personalization” . Presentation at the Technology Showcase. ARPA-e Annual Summit, Department of Energy. February 26-28, Washington D.C., US.

5. [2016] “Simulation de la mobilité autonome sur demande” (in French) . Presentation at Les Entretiens Jacques Cartier. Lyon, France. 21-23 November 2016.

4. [2015] “W–SPSA in practice: Approximation of weight matrices and calibration of traffic simulation models” TFT Webinars – Transportation Research Board Committee on Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics (AHB45,, 18 December 2015. [PPT] , [Youtube].

3. [2015] “Microsimulation of Mobility Demand and Supply with Autonomous Vehicles: Framework, Models and Mobility-on-Demand Case Study”. 14th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research. Windsor, UK, 19-23 July 2015.

2. [2015] “A state-of-the-art integrated simulation platform: case-study of autonomous mobility on-demand”. MIT-Portugal Program Conference, 19 June 2015. Lisbon, Portugal.

1.[2013] “Global sensitivity analysis of high dimensional traffic micro-simulation models: a multistep approach”. 7th International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output. Nice, France, July 1-4 2013.

Disclaimer: Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author’s copyright.

[January 2016 — present] Tripod: Sustainable Travel Incentives with Prediction, Optimization and Personalization
Project Manager: An app-based system that could incentivize travelers to pursue specific routes, modes of travel, departure times, ride sharing, and driving styles in order to reduce system-wide energy use, by offering them real-time information and rewards – ARPA-e, Department of Energy, United States. [MIT News]

[March 2014 — present] SimMobility: Integrated Simulation Platform
Lead Researcher: Integrate and link together various mobility-sensitive behavioral models with state-of-the-art simulators to predict impacts of mobility demands on transportation networks – Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, Singapore.

[June 2016 — present] MIT Energy Initiative – Mobility of the Future
Collaborator: The Mobility of the Future aims at providing guidance to industry stakeholders on how complex interactions between engine technology options, fuel options, refueling infrastructure, consumer choice, public transit options, new transportation modalities, and government policy might shape the future landscape for mobility – Consortium of Corporate Members

[January 2017 — present] Autonomous Mobility On-Demand, MIT/SMART
Collaborator: Develop an innovative and comprehensive simulation-based framework for designing and assessing the impacts on mobility of AMOD systems and applying it for the Singaporean context. AMOD systems are demand-responsive mobility services based on a fleet of shared autonomous vehicles, that can be easily accessed (pick-up and drop-off) within the operating area – Funded by National Research Foundation (L2NIC – Ministry of Transport), Singapore.

[January 2016 — present] FMOD: Flexible Mobility On-Demand
Collaborator: A menu of optimized travel options in real-time, that consists of different modes with varying level of service including mini-bus, shared-taxi and taxi. To test FMOD, scheduling, routing, assortment optimization and choice modeling are integrated in multiple simulation experiments using SimMobility – Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, Singapore.

[2013 — 2014] Safety Indicator for the National and Municipal Network
Collaborator: Design and estimate innovative network-based indicators to evaluate safety performance – Road Safety National Authority and the Institute for Mobility, Portugal.

[2013 — 2014] Estimation of Annual Traffic Volumes for Portugal
Lead Researcher: Development of the first National model for the estimation of annual traffic volumes for Portugal – Road Safety National Authority, Portugal.

[2008 — 2013] Multitude, EU Cost Action
Portuguese Representative: Development of methods and tools to support the use, calibration and validation of traffic simulation models – The EU Commission.

[2006 — 2012] Annual Road Safety Audits
Annual safety audits of two motorway concessions in Portugal – Euroscut, Portugal.

[2003 — 2008] SafetyNET, EU Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)
Collaborator: Build the framework of a European Road Safety Observatory, which will be the primary focus for road safety data and knowledge in the European Union – The EU Commission.

[2003 — 2007] InSafety, EU Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)
Collaborator: Guidelines and case-studies focusing in advanced methods for the evaluation of intelligent, intuitive and cost-efficient new technologies regarding forgiving and self-explanatory roads – The EU Commission.

[Fall 2017] Transportation Systems Analysis: Demand and Economics (MIT – 1.074)
Instructors: Moshe Ben-Aviva (main), Carlos Lima Azevedo, Arun Akkinepally, Jimi Oke

[Summer 2017] Modelling and Simulation of Transportation Networks (MIT – 1.10s)
Instructors: Moshe Ben-Aviva (main), Ennio Cascetta, Carlos Lima Azevedo, Pierluigi Coppola, Vittorio Marzano and Bilge Atasoy

[Spring 2017] Multivariate Data Analysis (MIT – 1.074)
Instructors: Carlos Lima Azevedo (main), Jimi Oke, Fang Zhao, Andrea Araldo

[Fall 2016] Transportation Systems Analysis: Demand and Economics (MIT – 1.074)
Instructor: Carlos Lima Azevedo (main)

[Spring 2016] Multivariate Data Analysis (MIT – 1.074)
Instructors: Moshe E Ben-Akiva (main), Carlos Lima Azevedo, Francisco Pereira, Fang Zhao

[Spring 2015] Multivariate Data Analysis (MIT – 1.074)
Participated in the (new) course preparation

[Summer 2010] Modelling and Simulation of Transportation Networks (MIT – 1.10s)
Teaching Assistant for Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

[Spring 2009] Transport Economics and Project Evaluation (CTIS/MPP – TEPE)
Teaching Assistant for Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva, Complex Transport Infrastructure Systems Masters Program – MIT-Portugal